Please add your name, email address and if you contribute on behalf of a company, please identity the name of the company, company registration number and the place of incorporation. This file identifies the authors/contributors/copyright holders who have contributed works of any kind to the main reSIProcate distribution tarball. This file does not cover the material in the contrib/ directory of the source control system, as each of those components is unmodified and distributed with it's own AUTHORS file. $ git log | grep ^Author | sort -u | cut -f2 -d' ' adam adamr alan arosenberg bbramwel bcampen bko bob brocha bryan cbond cisco cktam dabryan daniel danweber Danweber davidb dbozzali dean derek Derek derekm dlb dpetrie dpocock: Daniel Pocock dragos dsuh duanestorey dworley ekr emcmurry fjoanis fluffy greg jason jdeverick jgeras jmatthewsr jozsef kchmilar kdc kenho ken kittlitz kwhite lowekamp matthias maxb mfroman moetje nagendra nash nils (no partim pckizer rjsparks rohan ronh ryker sailesh satluri schanin sgodin shaun troll vann veer vinit wensong xmlscott